Throughout the ages, men have associated having a full head of hair with youthfulness. Contrariwise, hair loss and greying hair are associated with aging. What created this belief?
Maybe, all the stories read since childhood has made us insecure about hair loss. Can you remember the story about Sampson in the bible? The book of Judges talks about how Sampson confessed to how he would lose his strength by shaving his hair.
Has hair transplant technology brought men and women closer to finding a scientifically manufactured “Fountain of Youth?”
The “Fountain of Youth” represents the legendary spring that allows a person to restore his youth by drinking or bathing in its waters. A hair transplant is not a spring that will help restore his youth. It makes someone appear younger than his biological age compared to pre-surgery.
There have been multiple surveys with men who have undergone hair transplant surgery to determine if they felt their appearance improved. In most cases, men have been happier post-transplant surgery when compared to their pre-transplant surgery. Are those surveys biased? Is it possible that what they have learned about hair and youthfulness skewed their view?
The answer to the question: “Will I look younger after a hair transplant?” can’t be “Yes” 100 percent of the time. It will depend on many factors. If you have a receding hair line and you have enough donor hair to restore it, then there is a high probability that you may look younger post-hair-transplant surgery.
If you have very little donor hair and will only cover a small area of hair on your head, then shaving your hair may be a better option as long as the shape of your head has an aesthetic appeal.
Contact https://www.gotmyhairback.com for a free hair transplant consultation. They will discuss your hair loss issues and talk about possible options with you.