One of the biggest concerns people have with hair transplants is not knowing if people will think it looks natural.
Some people cannot get the image of hair plugs out of their minds; these old-school hair transplant techniques from the 50s made men’s heads look like rag dolls.
Just as computers, technology, film, and music have all evolved with the times, so have hair transplants. With the advent of hair transplantation surgery, the focus was on filling in balding areas of the scalp. The size of the grafts was huge and unnatural in appearance, which led to patients looking awkward post-surgery.
For several years, into the 70s, 80s, and 90s, people would poke fun at people who had unattractive hair transplants even though techniques were evolving and becoming more cosmetically acceptable in the 80s when physicians started using smaller, mini grafts.
The FUT method is also known as the “strip method.” A strip of hair grafts gets extracted from the back of the head. This procedure worked wonders for hair-loss patients in the 90s. One of the caveats to this procedure was the scarring that remains after the surgery.
Nowadays, a popular form of hair restoration procedure is called FUE (follicular unit extraction). Hair-Restoration surgeons make small incisions in the skin around a follicular unit with the use of an instrument. Each hair graft contains between one and four hairs. It is extracted from the donor area and placed in the recipient area of the scalp. FUE does not leave a linear scar. There may be damage to the scalp, caused by the incisions, which generally heals.
I had all of the concerns that most people have about hair transplants. I decided to move forward with FUE. No one has been able to recognize that I had surgery. I recommend contacting https://www.gotyourhairback.com. They offer a free hair consultation appointment. They search for affordable hair restoration clinics. They suggest that you take time to decide whether or not hair restoration surgery is the route you should take for your hair loss needs.
Ultimately, you have to feel comfortable with yourself and spend time speaking directly with the hair restoration clinic representative and/or surgeon before having any hair loss surgery performed.